Once again, The Third reached out to MLAs with constituencies in the Third to ask them about their priorities for the upcoming spring sitting of the House of Assembly.
Although giving them more than a week two didn’t respond. Here are the responses of the MLAs who did reply.
What are you hoping to see in the budget? Why?
I want to see a real and significant increase in Income Assistance (IA) for Nova Scotians who need that support. A significant increase will ensure people have enough money to live in dignity and decrease the number of people in Nova Scotia living in poverty.
I want to see a Universal School Food Program in the budget. Families in Cape Breton and across Nova Scotia are finding it harder and harder to keep up with the cost of groceries, and many children go to school hungry or without a lunch. A school food program would ensure all students get the food they need.
And I am looking for more money for Provincial Housing. We are in desperate need of affordable housing. There are so many people on the waitlist in need of housing and the list is only getting longer.
What is the top constituency-focused priority that you are eager to address in the legislature?
I am looking for more funding to allow local provincial roads to finally be repaired. Many of these roads have become unsafe for drivers and pedestrians.
I will be looking for more money to be added to the municipal financial grant. The PC Legislation last year will see the CBRM lose money. The loss of funding could cause tax rates to increase and services to decrease. The more funding allocated to equalization would allow CBRM to decrease tax rates and increase services.
Youth Centres are important to our community. To continue to operate, these youth centres need core funding. The core funding would help with operating costs and the youth centres' ability to recruit and retain youth workers. We also need to provide training for youth workers. A program at NSCC could help us train and retain youth workers.
What are you hoping to see in the budget? Why?
One thing that I am hoping to see in the budget is funding for continuous glucose monitors for type 1 and 2 diabetics. This is something that I have been advocating for since a presentation I had early on from a young man namee Nathan MacNeil
It is very expensive and provides the opportunity to be proactive in the care and treatment of diabetes therefore saving lives and money in the long run.
What is the top constituency-focused priority that you are eager to address in the legislature?
One of the major issues in my constituency is the service of plowing and road maintenance. A portion of the roads in my area are maintained by province public works which has a very different service standard than the municipality. I believe all residential roads should be the responsibility of the municipality and the corresponding budget should be allocated. Therefore, everyone will have the same standards.
Our government knows that Nova Scotian's are facing challenges with the cost of living. I hope to see measures in the budget that will address affordability for Cape Bretoners. Folks appreciate when government recognizes the financial struggles families face which is why we introduced programs like the $750 seniors care grant and tripled the Heating Assistance Rebate Program from its historical amount of $200 to $600.
I always try to recognize great achievements of community members and organizations in the legislature. I am always eager to share the amazing accomplishments of local first responders, volunteers, non-profits, business owners, students and athletes with a broader audience. I encourage anyone that would like to be formally recognized in the legislature to contact my office so we can celebrate them.
Image Credits:
Provincial House- nslegislature.ca
Kendra Coombes- kendracoombes.nsndp.ca
Fred Tilley- liberal.ns.ca
Brian Comer- pcpartyns.ca